Selva Organic


We’ve perhaps been a little remiss at Selva Organic. After a few months of trying to keep you up to speed on our superfoods and their virtues, as well as other nuggets regarding nutrition and our general ethos, it occurs that we never really properly introduced ourselves! So here goes nothing.

Superfoods have been a growing phenomena in the last couple of decades, starting with fairly common things like the blueberry and growing with the inclusion of all sorts of fruits and veg, both as they were “discovered” and as greater depths of scientific research began to reveal their previously unexplored nutritional value. From the goji berry to kale, and on and on, the market for nutritional heavy hitters has grown leaps and bounds.

So Selva Organic is by no means the first to the party. But there are several very good reasons why we think we’re the best, and the first is as good as any. Even though we’re based as a company in the beautiful Buckinghamshire countryside, unlike most companies in this market we actually have our own operations in Peru, where we grow some of our own products. This speaks to perhaps the key tenet of the Selva ethos – provenance.

Chia fields
Selva Organic chia fields…

What we don’t grow ourselves, we go the greatest lengths we can to ensure is the best available, anywhere in the world. We rigorously source the finest producers, and by supplying our stock directly from them we can cut down on the cost of our products for the consumer. So our superfoods aren’t only the best you’ll find in terms of quality, but they’re also some of the best value you’re likely find out there.

And it doesn’t stop there. Due to our close ties with producers in Peru and other parts of South America, we genuinely appreciate the efforts of these farmers and it’s one of our highest priorities to ensure that we do right by them. Our own projects are driven by local cooperatives, and anyone working under or with the Selva brand is properly taken care of. Exploitation is a word that could not be further from our hearts, or indeed, our practices.

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One of the Selva boys…

Furthermore, we take great pride in sustainability. “Agribusiness” is another game entirely, and here at Selva it’s of paramount importance that we look after the environments in which we cultivate our products, and we demand the same standards in anyone we source from.

The final point is also essential. We’re not snake oil salesmen. We’re not going to feed you a pack of tripe about how a teaspoon of camu camu will let you live to a hundred, or that a handful of golden berries will cure your every ailment. Our angle is simple – dietary health is so, so important and we understand that our products represent a treasure trove of nutritional value. We’d love for you to understand this too, so that you can lead healthier, better lives.

In short, these are the key words by which we operate:

  • Provenance

  • Quality

  • Value

  • Sustainability

  • Cooperation

  • Honesty

  • Health

That just about sums it up. The only remaining detail is actually regarding our name – Selva Organic. You might have asked yourself, “What does Selva mean?” Spanish speakers probably already know, but for those who don’t, it means jungle, or rainforest. This is where many of our products come from. If they’re not growing in the Amazon basin or the Andean highlands it’s only because they quite simply can’t be found there. But from Peru to Chile, to Taiwan and New Zealand, we guarantee that we will find you the best superfoods that anyone possibly could.


Hopefully this gives you a good sense of what we’re all about. The only thing left now is to encourage you to give us a go! You can read all about our products and the various facets of our ethos here on the blog, and as soon as you’re convinced, head on over to to start, or perhaps continue, your superfood journey. Happy… superfooding?

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